The hardest part is showing up.

I teach meat & potatoes yoga to nourish mind & body, not Instagram yoga to feed egos.


What is yoga?

Modern-day yoga may conjure up images of bendy people doing impressive poses. However, the word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj, meaning to control, to yoke or to unite. I like to think of yoga as the union of body, mind and spirit.


Why do yoga?

Yoga is more than a fitness class; to me, yoga is a moving meditation. Your physical, emotional and mental fitness is a by-product of the practice. My teacher, Stewart Gilchrist, likes to say “Yoga is not a workout… it is a work-IN”.

What’s your approach?

Yoga is a journey with no destination. Most people have started at some point — moving forward, backward, left, right, in circles and complete stops. As a teacher, I’m here to help facilitate your journey with both force and compassion.


What do you teach?

I specialise in two ends of the Yin & Yang spectrum. My teaching began with invigorating, bootcamp-style Vinyasa Krama which syncs movement with breath. Then, I also found a love and need for restorative, supportive Yin Yoga.


Facilitating your personal journey



I teach a number of public classes with yoga studios in and around East London. I love meeting face-to-face and giving hands-on assists. Book directly through these studios below.



A wonderful way to connect with students from my home to their home. Expect plenty of attention and precise verbal cues to guide your progression. I teach primarily through my virtual studio, The Bow Bungalow.



I teach private 1-on-1, 2-on-1, small groups and corporate classes. I provide hands-on assists if requested and allowed by guidelines. Classes can take place online, at your home, workplace or outdoors.



I love to collaborate with other teachers, businesses and brands whose values are aligned with mine. Let’s work together and make a positive impact in people’s lives, however great or small.
